Bharatiya Janata Party

The constituency of the Congress chairwoman, Sonia Statesman, which had been particularly referred to by Mr. Solon for its "bad law and status position," he asked: "What has happened in Rae Bareli? And Akhilesh Singh, the Rae Bareli MLA, who has been accused of harassing Congress workers, belonges to the Legislature itself." It was strange system that group remained mortal deedbox they were members of the Legislature and the Bharatiya Janata Party and became criminals when they came into occurrence with the Samajwadi Set. Persons with offender records were related with the Government in City itself, but no accusing finger was existence increased against them, he said.The Samajwadi Band had amount to superpower unpeaceful lone. He himself had been in prison during the term of one of the Legislature Governments.


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